Modern hospitals are complex systems: Lives are saved here; patients are treated and cared for – a stable organism with extensive vegetative functions. In the day-to-day life of a hospital, all staffing levels make sure that the hospital runs smoothly and that patient welfare is at the top of the agenda, as patients require rest, protection and help. The everyday life of a clinic is not immune to fires, but a targeted precautionary system does protect its key organs.
Hospitals these days, more than ever, therefore have to create a working environment where doctors, nurses and carers can focus on their core competencies. The structural design of a clinic is in this regard an important condition. Modern building services relieve and support employees in their work for patients. Modern fire protection provides an adequate technical framework so that staff and patients feel safe.
Flames, smoke, gas emissions, heat – fire has many facets. Orena has the right fire detectors for the various areas within a hospital. Their signals converge in the fire detection and extinguishing control panel, which issues an alarm to the people at risk and the fire brigade. In addition, the Orena panel monitors the installed fire protection system for proper functioning and electrically triggers the extinguishing systems that are not equipped with their own triggering elements, e.g. sprinkler systems.
The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University
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