A commercial complex is a combination of multi-functions of urban living society such as shopping mall, office, bank, residence, hotel, catering, conference, and entertainment in the city, and establishes a mutually beneficial initiative among the various parts. It integrates multiple features and has the characteristics of high cost, a large flow of people, and a complex structure.
Flames, smoke, gas emissions, heat – fire has many facets. Orena has the right fire detectors for the various areas within an office and administrative building. Their signals converge in the fire detection and extinguishing control panel, which issues an alarm to the people at risk and the fire brigade. In addition, the Orena panel monitors the installed fire protection system for proper functioning and electrically triggers the extinguishing systems that are not equipped with their own triggering elements, e.g. sprinkler systems.
Orena has rich experience in the field of fire safety in commercial complexes. The solution adopts cutting-edge technologies such as early detection, Internet of Things communication, big data, cloud management platform, and graphic display software. It effectively solves problems like complicated structure and makes evacuation timely. After smoke particles or heat being detected, a fire alarm goes off, it can quickly track the fire situation on the spot, monitor and feedback status of various fire-fighting linkage equipment, give away the best escape route for evacuation.
Qingpu Wanda Mall, Shanghai
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