The highly complex technical equipment of data centers and other IT areas, as well as the materials used there, carry a particularly high risk of fire. Due to the high concentration of energy and the materials used, e.g. plastics, data centers present an increased fire risk.
Due to absent or unprofessional cooling, hot spots can occur in the system, causing overheating. Numerous active electronic components, complex cabling in false floors and transition resistances in the many cable terminals entail a risk of short-circuits, technical defect or thermal overloading. This is especially true for the computer and server areas, including the associated climate brackets in data centers. Even small or medium-sized server rooms and closed server cabinets as part of a company's infrastructure in any sector of the economy feature the same fire hazards.
Flames, smoke, gas emissions, heat – fire has many facets. Orena has the right fire detectors for the various areas within data centers. Their signals converge in the fire detection and extinguishing control panel, which issues an alarm to the people at risk and the fire brigade. In addition, the Orena panel monitors the installed fire protection system for proper functioning and electrically triggers the extinguishing systems.
Tencent West Cloud Computing Data Center, Chongqing
Application Scenario Characteristics
Shenwei National Supercomputing Data Center, Wuxi
1. Large number of flammable items (Data room, UPS distribution room, battery room with a large number of IT equipment, storage media and wire and cable, its components, cable insulation and use polyvinyl chloride, carbonate fiber and other combustible materials, fire hazards are larger).
2. There are many fire causes (The cables that provide power supply to the equipment room, the electronic components and lines inside the equipment, and the auxiliary electrical equipment such as elevators, air conditioners, heating equipment and lighting may cause fire, and the fire potential is high).
3. The environment is complex (Due to the requirements of temperature and humidity of the electronic equipment in the data center, a large number of precision air conditioners and fans are often set in the equipment room, and the air exchange rate of the air conditioning system is usually greater than 10 times/hour, and the smoke is easily diluted by the air flow, which will interfere with the work of the smoke detector, resulting in slow or even no alarm).
4. Large power consumption, difficult heat dissipation, and uninterrupted operation (Once a fire occurs, it is easy to lead to large-scale equipment failure and damage, which interrupts business services and damages customer reputation).
5. Equipment operate and store core data, the value is expensive, the fire loss is huge (Prohibit the use of water, foam and powder fire extinguishing agent).
Pain points of fire alarm system
Traditional fire alarm systems are not dedicated to data center application, there are the following prominent pain points:
1. Ordinary point-type smoke detectors are difficult to play a role
A large number of air conditioners and fans are used in the machine room, and the air flow speed is fast, and the smoke generated by the fire is difficult to gather, so that the traditional point detector alarm is slow or even unable to sense and alarm.
2. The high-sensitivity aspirated detector has many false alarms
The aspirated smoke detectors commonly used in data rooms are extremely sensitive, and are often prone to frequent false fire alarms because of dust in the air, and dust accumulation will also lead to more fault alarms.
3. Delay in extinguishing the fire
Because of the many false alarms, the fire duty personnel had to go to the scene to verify the authenticity of the fire, delaying the precious fire extinguishing disposal time at the initial stage of the fire, resulting in significant fire losses.
Orena Innovative Solutions
Specialization, Customization, Visualization
• Visual alarm through 2-wire fire signal loop circuit, quickly confirm fire alarm, quickly extinguish fire, no fear of false alarms, avoid false spray.
• The visual fire detector is equipped with a built-in camera, integrating security and fire protection.
• An aspirating high-sensitivity fire detector is added, providing an extremely early warning and visual confirmation of fire alarms.
• Different types of fire detectors are set in different places.
Combine local control and remote control
Construct a closed-loop fire control system featuring high reliability, high anti-interference, multi-dimensional detection, early warning, timely confirmation of fire alarms, and rapid fire extinguishing.
China Mobile Data Center, Jinan
Orena Innovative Solutions
Fire detectors setup scheme: Classified partition protection
Based on usage functions and importance, data center applications are divided into the following four categories:
1. Core areas: Data room, UPS distribution room, battery room, set up point-type air breathing smoke detector, visual smoke/temperature detector (can be linked with air breathing detector, the first time to confirm the fire alarm), HFC-227/FM200 gas fire extinguishing system, electrical fire monitoring system
2. Rooms for supporting equipment: High-pressure water mist fire extinguishing system is used in diesel generator room and low-voltage distribution room; HFC-227/FM200 gas fire extinguishing system is used in medium voltage room and weak current access room, and ordinary point-type smoke and temperature detectors are set.
3. Attached areas: Offices, meeting rooms, underground garages, etc., adopt automatic sprinkler system, and set ordinary point-type smoke and temperature detectors.
4. Special area: Shared atrium and other tall space, set dual-band infrared flame detector, light beam smoke detector, with automatic water cannon fire extinguishing system.
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